summer pilgrimage 2019
While I've been traveling a lot over the past years, it's been some time since I've been on a pilgrimage. For me, pilgrimage has something to do with discovery, with spiritual quest or awakening. Bringing only the essentials along, it's a time to step into the provision of God, as well as the abundance discovered in the people and places we meet along the way. It's a space for listening and discernment, as we uproot from usual routines and give ourselves over to the journey.
I'm claiming this summer a time of pilgrimage as I make my way through Northern California, the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, and the big skies of Idaho and Montana. But this particular journey begins with a big first step: leaving New York City which has been home for the past 11 years. While I will continue to return and nurture the network of relationships that have grown there, it’s clear the time has come to leave.
I look forward to being in St. Louis the next two years, continuing my work as Director of Music at Eden Theological Seminary. And I'll continue as Executive Director of Music that Makes Community, as well as an interim/transitional musician and consultant. It's a great joy to share what I’m learning in congregations and in the wider church with students, encouraging them to be imaginative, skilled, integrated worship leaders.
God knows where the path will ultimately lead but I’m confident the next steps will be clear as I take them. I especially ask your prayers for this season of summer pilgrimage, and hope to see some of you on the road.
“Bless now, O God, the journey
that all your people make,
the path through noise and silence,
the way of give and take.
The trail is found in desert
and winds the mountain round,
then leads beside still waters,
the road where faith is found.”
- Sylvia Dunstan
Click on over to upcoming events to see where I’ll be and join me if you're able! Please stay connected through Facebook, Instagram, or an email to let me know how you are, or to inquire about ways I might serve as a resource or encouragement in your ministry. More than anything, keep singing!