Breathe, Listen, and Notice
Breathe, Listen, and Notice
Breathe, Listen, and Notice was commissioned by A Sanctified Art to accompany their 2025 Lenten series, Everything [In] Between. It was imagined as a breath prayer that invites us into deeper listening and awareness. From this anchored space, we may find it possible to share our stories and experiences (and hear others) with less judgment or fewer assumptions. Optional moments of call-and-echo singing mirror the back and forth patterns of conversation, as well as offer opportunities for grace-filled learning.
It can be used for gathering or centering, woven through a Prayer of Confession, used as a sung Prayer of Illumination, or offered in response to the proclamation of the Word. No matter how or where you use it, may it invite you to slow down, breathe deeply, and hold the challenging, complex spaces with tenderness and courage.
Hear a recording of the song here.